Evaluation of Static Traffic Spatial Characteristics of Old Communities from the Perspective of Block Integration
摘要: 随着居民汽车保有量急剧增多,城市老旧小区内停车矛盾尖锐。基于西安市老旧小区的静态交通空间调查,从静态交通空间的视角对西安市既有单位型老旧小区进行分类。以街区融合为导向,通过探讨老旧小区静态交通空间的构成要素,构建老旧小区的静态交通空间构成体系和现状特征的评价指标体系,针对西安三类老旧小区,采用层次分析法分别进行评价指标的权重分析,得出其各自类型老旧小区静态交通空间的现状特征及存在的主要问题,进而提出小区静态交通空间的优化方向与优化实施路径。Abstract: With the rapid increase of resident car ownership, the parking contradiction in old community is acute. Based on the static traffic space investigation of old communities in Xi'an, the existing unit-type old communities were classified from the perspective of static traffic space. Guided by the integration of blocks, the static traffic space constituent elements of old communities and the evaluation index system of the current situation characteristics were constructed by discussing the constituent elements of the static traffic space of old communities. For the three types of old communities in Xi'an, the weight of the evaluation index was analyzed by analytic hierarchy process. The current situation characteristics and main problems of their respective types of old community static traffic space were obtained, and then the optimization direction and implementation path of community static traffic space were proposed.
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