Planning and Design of Traditional Village Style Protection Based on Historical Landscape Method
摘要: 为了克服传统聚落既有保护方法所导致的传统风貌景观资源碎片化、布景化、空洞化的倾向,实现整体保护的目的,以福建塔下村为研究对象,采用历史景观方法,探讨传统聚落整体价值的认知途径,发掘传统聚落"文化-活动-景观"的作用脉络以及整体风貌生成的文化机制,构建历史景观概念下保护区划的划定方法,旨在保存传统聚落风貌的特质性和完整性。Abstract: To overcome the tendenly of fragmentization, setting, and hollowing of traditional landscape resources caused by the existing protection methods of traditional settlements and to achieve the purpose of overall protection, Taxia Village in Fujian was taken as the research object to explore the tradition. The cognitive approach to the overall value of the settlement was discussed, context of the role of the traditional settlement "culture-activity-landscape" and the cultural mechanism of the overall style generation were explored, and the delineation method of the protection zone under the concept of historical landscape was proposed, aiming to preserve the characteristics and completeness of the traditional settlement style.
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