Research on Simplified Analysis Methods of Nonlinear Finite Element for Shear Performance of Self-Piercing Riveting Connections Between Cold-Formed Steel Sheets
摘要: 锁铆连接具有力学性能好、连接效率高等突出优势,在冷弯薄壁型钢结构中具有较好的应用前景。采用等效面域偶合、约束单元和连接单元三大类8种简化方法,建立了冷弯型钢锁铆连接受剪时的有限元简化模型;对比分析了简化模拟结果与试验结果,探明了各简化模型的适用范围;完成了不同板厚比下锁铆连接抗剪性能的参数分析,提出了适用于冷弯薄壁型钢结构的锁铆连接有限元非线性简化分析方法。研究结果表明:锁铆连接的主要受剪破坏模式为铆钉腿拔出下层钢板和铆钉头剪脱上层钢板;龙骨框架中冷弯型钢构件间的锁铆连接可采用约束单元Pin或紧固件单元Fastener进行简化模拟,龙骨框架与面板间的锁铆连接可采用连接器单元Cartesian或弹簧单元Spring2进行简化模拟;笛卡尔连接器单元可精确模拟出不同板厚比下锁铆连接的荷载-变形曲线和抗剪性能指标,且计算效率高,在冷弯薄钢型钢结构的非线性有限元分析中优先考虑。Abstract: The self-piercing riveting (SPR) connection has the outstanding advantages of good mechanical properties and high connection efficiency, and has a good application prospect in cold-formed steel (CFS) structures. Adopting 8 simplified methods including equivalent area coupling, constraint element and connection element, to establish the simplified finite element model of cold-formed steel self-piercing riveting (CFSSPR) connection under shear; the simplified simulation results and the test results were compared and analyzed, the applicable scope of each simplified model was explored; the parameter analysis of SPR connection with different plate thickness ratios was completed, the simplified nonlinear finite element analysis method for SPR connection of CFS structure was proposed. The research results showed that the main shear failure mode of the SPR were that the rivet leg pulled out the lower steel plate and the rivet head shears off the upper steel plate; the SPR connection between the CFS members in the steel frame could be simplified and simulated by the constraint unit Pin or the fastener unit Fastener, the SPR connection between the steel frame and the panel could be simplified and simulated by the connector unit Cartesian or spring unit Spring2; the Cartesian connector unit could accurately simulate the load-deformation curve and shear performance index of the SPR connection with different plate thickness ratios, and the calculation efficiency was high, it should be preferred in the nonlinear finite element analysis of CFS structure.
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