Numerical Analysis on Deformation and Seepage of Deep Foundation Excavation in Inclined Interbedding Close to Rivers
摘要: 临河倾斜互层地质条件下深基坑开挖过程中会遇到一些特殊的岩土工程问题,且该方面的研究较少。以兰州市安宁区污水处理厂深基坑工程为例,通过现场监测并结合数值计算的方法,分析传统桩锚支护及管井降水方法下倾斜和水平互层条件下地下水渗流、周边地表位移规律的差异。结果表明:在基坑降水过程中,倾斜岩层中总水位曲线受地层不均匀影响呈阶梯形增长,且总水头低于水平岩层约2 m;开挖途中倾斜互层的桩顶竖向位移与周边地表沉降均明显大于水平互层,两者邻近建筑物一侧沉降差更大。随着倾斜互层逐步裸露,地下水存在绕流补给且坑底区域性渗水严重,加大了基坑开挖难度。因此,针对倾斜互层基坑开挖如何合理设计和优化止水及变形控制方案仍有待系统研究。Abstract: Some special geotechnical problems will be encountered during the process of deep foundation excavation in inclined interbedding strata close to rivers, but up to now the related study has still been insufficient. Taking the deep foundation excavation project of a sewage-treatment plant in Anning District of Lanzhou as an example, through in-situ monitoring and numerical calculations, the differences of groundwater seepage and surrounding subsidence of ground, during deep ercavation supported with piles and anchor bars combined with dewatering with dewatering wells, between inclined and horizontal interbedding were analyzed. The results showed that in the process of dewatering during foundation excavation, the total water level curve in interbedding strata increased in a stepped pattern, and the total water head was about 2 m lower than that in horizontal rock strata. During excavation, the vertical displacement of pile tops and ground subsidence adjacent to the trench in inclined interbedding were significantly greater than those in horizontal interbedding, and the subsidence difference between the two adjacent to buildings was greater. With the gradually exposure of inclined interbedding strata, the groundwater bypassed recharge, and severe water seepage was in the local areas at the bottom of the trench, which increased the difficulty of foundation excavation. Therefore, how to reasonably design and optimize the water-stop and deformation control scheme for foundation excavation in inclined interbedding remaind to be systematically studied.
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