Construction of an Assessment System for Livable Renovation Effect of Existing Residences and Its Application
摘要: 针对既有住宅改造实践中缺乏科学系统评估和评价方法的状况,综合利用调查研究、专家意见征询、专家赋权以及层次分析法等方法,构建了既有住宅宜居改造效果评价体系,包含10个一级指标、28个二级指标、86个三级指标,并对指标权重、分值计算进行详尽的研究。最后,运用该体系在5个示范工程,共计50余万m2的改造项目中进行试评价,论证了该评价体系的可操作性。Abstract: In view of the lack of scientific assessment systems and methods in the practice of existing residence renovation, an assessment system for livable renovation effect of existing residences was constructed comprehensively by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), field surveys, expert consultations etc. The system consisted of 10 first-level indicators, 28 second-level indicators and 86 third-level indicators. The weights of the indicators and the calculation methods were also discussed. Finally, the assessment system was applied to 5 demonstration renovation projects with a total of more than 500 000 m2. The operability of the system was demonstrated.
Key words:
- existing residence /
- urban residence /
- renovation effect /
- assessment system
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