Research on Regional Construction Techniques for Central Pillar Grottes in Qiuci
摘要: 龟兹中心柱窟是龟兹石窟的一种重要类型,其在承袭印度支提窟的基本建筑风格和功能的同时,也受到新疆本土环境和文化的影响,形成了地域特征明显的石窟凿筑风格。在实地调研的基础上,结合龟兹中心柱窟建筑形制特点及石窟营建背景,探讨龟兹地区自然气候、地理环境、经济文化等因素对石窟建筑营造的影响,并对其营建特征中的地域性技术做出分析研究和归纳总结。Abstract: As an important type of Qiuci Grottoes, the central pillar grottoes not only inherited the basically architectural style and function from the Indian grottoes, but also was influenced by the local environment and culture of Xinjiang, forming a style of grotto carving with obvious regional characteristics. On the basis of field investigation, combined with the architectural form characteristics and construction background of the central pillar grottoes in Qiuci, the influence of the natural climate, geographical environment, economic culture and other factors on the constructional characteristics of the grottoes were discussed, and the regional techniques in the constructional characteristics were analyzed and summarized.
Key words:
- Qiuci Grotto /
- central pillar grotto /
- locality /
- construction feature /
- construction technique
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