Experimental Research on Pile-Forming Effect of Improved Marine Silt Mixing Pile
摘要: 现场试桩是合理确定施工工艺、固化剂掺入量及评判成桩效果的有效手段。为了探究新型钻头和新型固化剂加固海相淤泥的成桩效果及适用性,依托珠海市斗门区某市政道路项目,针对该项目软土路基海相淤泥的性质,开展了不同钻头、不同固化剂的现场试桩工作,测试了不同深度处芯样的无侧限抗压强度和直剪强度,研究不同因素对成桩效果的影响。结果表明:改进的钻头采用两搅两喷施工工艺成桩效果较好,可节约一半工期;相同钻头条件下新型固化剂成桩完整性明显优于纯水泥固化剂;采用RQD值折减后无侧限抗压强度和直剪强度更贴合工程实际;直剪强度可取无侧限抗压强度的40%。Abstract: In-situ test piling is an effective method to reasonably determine the construction technology and the dosage of curing agent, and to evaluate the effect of piling formation. In order to explore the pile-forming effect and applicability of the new drilling bits and the new curing agent for strengthening marine silt, relying on a municipal road project in Doumen District of Zhuhai City, aiming at the properties of marine silt soft soil, both the unconfined compressive strength test (UCS) and direct shear strength test (DST) were conducted to explore the effects of the pile-forming effect with different drill bits and different curing agent dosages.The results showed that the improved drilling bit adopted the construction technology of twice mix for two spraying was more effective, which could save half the construction period. The pile integrity of new curing agent was better than that of pure cement curing agent using the same bit. It was found that the unconfined compressive strength and direct shear strength reduced by RQD value were more suitable for engineering construction. Besides, direct shear strength could take 40% of the unconfined compressive strength.
Key words:
- mixing pile /
- marine silt /
- new drilling bits /
- new curing agent /
- pile-forming effect
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