Experimental Research on Seismic Performance of Two-Story Full-Scale RC Frame with New-Type Prefabricated Enclosure Wall
摘要: 围护结构是结构的重要部分,为考察预制围护结构对框架结构抗震性能的影响,设计制作两榀两层足尺钢筋混凝土(RC)框架分别外挂具有一定刚度的预制轻钢龙骨墙板和钢筋混凝土墙板并进行拟静力试验,研究新型外挂墙板及其连接节点对结构承载力、刚度退化、耗能等性能的影响。试验结果表明:外挂新型预制围护墙体的RC框架结构具有良好的抗震性能,即便在罕遇地震作用下框架结构的承重构件局部丧失承载力,刚度较大的围护结构也能够为主体结构提供附加刚度,使得结构具有更好的抗倒塌冗余度,达到层间位移角不大于1/50的变形要求;预制围护墙体的新型连接节点处未出现明显破坏现象,说明节点设计较为合理,实现了多遇地震下节点无滑移、设防地震下节点不参与受力、罕遇震下为围护结构提供可靠的连接的目的。Abstract: Building envelope is an important part of the structure, to examine the influence of prefabricated building envelope on the seismic performance of frame structure, two trusses of two-story full-scale RC frames with prefabricated light steel keel out-hung wall panels and concrete out-hung wall panels, respectively, were designed and manufactured to carry out the quasi-static test, and the influence of new type exterior wall panels and their connecting joints on bearing capacity, stiffness degradation and energy dissipation of structures were studied. The test results showed that the RC frame structure with prefabricated exterior wall had good aseismic performance, the building envelope with large stiffness could provide additional stiffness to the main structure whose partial structural elements lost the bearing capacity under the large earthquake, so that the structure had better anti-collapse redundancy and could meet the deformation requirement of 1/50 inter-story drift. There was no obvious damage at the new connection joints of the prefabricated exterior wall, which indicated that the design of the joints was more reasonable and could realize the purpose of no slip under frequently occurred earthquake, no stress under moderate earthquake, and provide reliable connection for the building envelope under rarely occurred earthquake.
Key words:
- prefabricated building envelope /
- RC frame /
- redundancy /
- quasi-static test /
- seismic performance
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