摘要: 基于非线性准零刚度理论进行了水平双向隔震装置设计,开展了安装非线性隔震装置的特高压变压器缩尺模型的地震模拟振动台试验研究。在加速度峰值为0.4 g、0.8 g、1.2 g和1.6 g试验中,采用隔震装置隔震后,作用于特高压变压器模型底部的地震波加速度峰值减小了61.53%~90.00%,隔震后地震波的频谱响应曲线得到降低,特别是在地震动能量大的低频范围内降低幅度显著;在加速度峰值为0.4 g和0.8 g对比试验中,安装隔震装置后特高压变压器高压套管最大应力分别减小了85.77%和91.75%,加速度和应变结果表明非线性隔震装置具有显著的隔震效果,并验证了非线性准零刚度理论在隔震设计中的有效性。Abstract: Based on the theory of nonlinear quasi-zero stiffness, the horizontal and bidirectional directional seismic isolators were desighed and a shaking test on scaled ultra-high-voltage(UHV) transformer models with vibration isolation device was conducted. The peak ground accelevation of 0.4 g, 0.8 g, 1.2 g and 1.6 g in the tests, when the seismic waves were isolated by seismic isolators, the peak ground acceleration of seismic waves acting on the bottom of the UHV transformer model was reduced by 61.53% to 90.00%, and the spectral response curves of seismic waves were reduced, especially in the low frequency range where the ground shaking energy was high. In the contrast tests of the peak acceleration of 0.4 g and 0.8 g, the maximum stress of high-voltage bushings of UHV transformers decreased by 85.77% and 91.75% as the isolation devices were installed. The results of acceleration and strain showed that the isolation devices had significant seismic isolation effect, and the effectiveness of the nonlinear quasi-zero stiffness theory in seismic isolation design was proven.
Key words:
- UHV transformer /
- seismic response /
- shaking table test /
- isolation device /
- scaled model
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