Study on Spatial Pattern Evolutions and Driving Forces of Village and Small-Town Settlements Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data: a Case Study of Chengde Central District and Its Surroundings
摘要: 村镇聚落空间格局演变特征是优化村镇地域要素配置的重要依据。以承德中心城区及周边区域的村镇聚落为研究对象,运用ENVI软件将多源遥感数据数字化,通过GIS的标准差椭圆法、最近邻指数法(ANN)、核密度估计法(KDE)分析不同城乡关系影响下的村镇聚落空间格局演变特征,发现:受地形地貌、河流水系等内部驱动力,道路交通、经济发展等外部驱动力,以及城乡发展矛盾的综合驱动力的影响,村镇聚落呈现"向心集中—外围扩散、中心位置偏移、聚集程度减弱"的发展趋势,总体空间格局逐渐由单中心布局模式转为多中心布局模式,最终将转变为多个"核心—外围"结构组成的复杂均衡的网络式空间格局。Abstract: The spatial pattern evolution characteristics of the village and small-town settlements are the important basis for optimizing the allocation of regional elements. This paper took the village and small-town settlements in Chengde central district and its surroundings as the research object, and digitized multi-source remote sensing data based on ENVI, and analyzed the spatial pattern evolution characteristics under the influence of different urban-rural relations based on GIS, which took standard deviation ellipse, nearest neighbor index (ANN) and kernel density estimation (KDE) as the spatial analysis methods. The results showed that: the spatial pattern evolution of village and small-town settlements is that from centripetal concentration to peripheral diffusion, the central position shifted and the degree of aggregation weakened under the driving forces, where the internal driving forces are topography features and river water system, the external driving forces are road system and economic development, and the comprehensive driving force is urban-rural development contradictions. The overall spatial pattern gradually changes from single center layout mode to multi center layout mode, and finally to a complex and balanced network spatial pattern which is constituted by multiple "core-periphery" mode structures.
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