Experimental Study on Cyclic Loading of Asymmetric Friction Joints of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams
摘要: 为研究钢混非对称摩擦连接件(Steel-Concrete Composite Asymmetric Friction Connection,SCCAFC)的抗震性能,考虑螺栓直径、螺栓预紧力、摩擦垫片材料因素,对7组采用AFCs钢混连接进行往复加载试验研究。试验结果表明:各组试件的滞回曲线饱满,产生双滑移平台很明显,达到预期的非对称摩擦耗能特点;预紧力增大、螺栓直径增大都会对试件的承载力、刚度、耗能有明显的提升;试件在加载前期刚度退化较为明显,后期刚度退化趋于平缓;各组能量耗散系数Ed分布在1.52~2.55之间,构件峰值荷载下的等效黏滞阻尼比he在0.242~0.406之间,其中PSC-6承载力、耗能能力最优,PSC-7最差,PSC-2和PSC-6所得各项数据差距不大,实际工程可以使用成本低的耐磨钢。Abstract: In order to study the seismic behavior of steel-concrete composite asymmetric friction connection (SCCAFC), cyclic loading tests of seven groups of SCCAFC were carried out considering bolt diameter, bolt preload, friction gasket material. The test results showed that the hysteresis curves of each group of specimens were full, the double slip platform was obvious, and the expected asymmetric friction energy dissipation characteristics were achieved. With the increase of bolt preload and bolt diameter, the bearing capacity, stiffness and energy consumption of the specimens would be significantly increased. The stiffness degradation of specimens was obvious in the early stage of loading and tends to be gentle in the later stage. The energy dissipation coefficients Ed of each group were distributed between 1.52 and 2.55. The equivalent viscous damping ratio he under peak load of members was between 0.242 and 0.406. Among them, the bearing capacity and energy dissipation capacity of PSC-6 were the best, the effect of PSC-7 was the worst, and the data obtained by PSC-2 and PSC-6 had little difference. Wear-resistant steel with low cost could be used in actual project.
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