Research on a Detection Method for Loosening of High-Strength Bolts Based on Image Recognition Techniques
摘要: 针对钢桥高强度螺栓人工批量巡检效率低、接触传感设备成本高昂的问题,提出了一种基于图像识别的高强度螺栓松动检测方法。利用螺栓角点位置识别算法对螺栓图像样本进行白色掩膜构建、掩膜小型噪点剔除和感兴趣区域分割等处理,确定螺栓角点位置坐标,结合相机成像相似映射原理推算螺栓松动角度,进而根据螺栓松动角度评估预紧力损失。对不同型号螺栓在不同水平视距下旋转10°、20°、30°采集样本,并将其导入算法进行试验验证。结果表明,基于该方法的螺栓松动角度检测准确率达90%以上,满足工程检测要求,并能够有效评估高强度螺栓预紧力损失。Abstract: Aiming at the low efficiency of manual batch inspection for high-strength bolts steel bridge and the high cost of contact sensing equipment, a detection method for the loosening of high strength bolts based on image recognition was proposed. Through the recognition algorithm for the position of bolt corner, the bolt pattern samples were processed by constructing white mask, removing small noise and segmenting ROI of the region of interest to determine the position coordinates of bolt corner. The bolt loosening angle was calculated by using the camera imaging similarity mapping principle, and the preload loss was evaluated according to the relation between the loosening angle and the preload. Then specimens were collected by rotating 10°, 20°, and 30°of different types of bolts at different horizontal viewing angles, and inputed them into the algorithm for experimental verification.The results showed that the accuracy of bolt looseness detection based on the method was over 90%, which could meet the requirements of engineering inspection and effectively evaluate the loss of preload of high-strength bolts.
Key words:
- loosening of bolt /
- algorithm /
- images /
- feature points
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