Seismic Performance Test and Finite Element Analysis of Monolithic Precast Shear Wall with Partially-Connected Vertical Distributed Steel Bars
摘要: 为研究竖向分布钢筋部分连接的装配整体式剪力墙的抗震性能,完成1个预制墙板部分分布钢筋采用预埋件焊接连接试件和1个预制墙板分布钢筋不连接试件的拟静力试验。试验结果表明:采用预埋件焊接连接试件裂缝分布均匀,滞回曲线相对饱满,承载力较高,抗震性能表现良好。采用ABAQUS软件对2榀试件进行有限元分析,得到试件的破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线且与试验结果吻合较好。研究竖向边缘构件纵筋配筋率、连接钢筋直径、高宽比、轴压比、预埋焊板数量及位置等参数对试件抗震性能的影响,结果表明:竖向边缘构件配筋率、高宽比、轴压比对墙体承载力影响较大;预制墙板内连接钢筋直径对墙体承载力影响较小;预制墙板底部两侧合理布置预埋件可有效提升墙体的承载力及延性。Abstract: In order to study the seismic performance of monolithic precast shear wall with partially-connected vertical distributed steel bars, quasi-static tests were performed on one precast wall panel with partically vertical distributed steel bars welded by embedded parts and one precast wall panel with non-connected distributed steel bars. The test results showed that the cracks of the specimen with vertical distributed steel bars welded by embedded parts were evenly distributed, the hysteresis curve was relatively full, the bearing capacity was high, and the seismic performance was good. The failure mode, hysteretic curve and skeleton curve of the two specimens were obtained by finite element analysis with ABAQUS software, and the simulation results were in good agreement with the experimental results. The effects of longitudinal reinforcement ratio, diameter of connecting bars, height-width ratio, axial compression ratio, number and location of embedded welding plates on the seismic performance of specimens were studied. The results showed that the reinforcement ratio, height-width ratio and axial compression ratio of vertical edge members had great influence on the bearing capacity of the wall. The diameter of the connecting steel bars in the precast wall panel had little influence on the bearing capacity of the wall. Reasonable arrangement of embedded parts on both sides of the bottom of the precast wall panel could effectively improve the bearing capacity and ductility of the wall.
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