摘要: 在高密度街区提供能够满足人们更高品质生活的公共开放空间,是新时期城市建设和管理的重要任务和挑战,建立开放空间公共性评价方法是快速、科学识别其质量高低及其影响因素的重要途径。选取广州市珠江新城核心区和纽约曼哈顿约克维尔街区为研究对象,采用层次分析法建立建筑附属开放空间(AOS)公共性评价体系、计算指标权重、建立评价标准。结果表明:1)六项评价指标重要性程度从大到小依次为:可达时间、休憩设施、开放程度、视觉感受、面积大小、监控影响;2)总体上曼哈顿约克维尔的公共性比珠江新城核心区略强,在单项指标上各有优劣。补充和发展了现有AOS公共性评价方法,该方法适用于各类城市街区AOS公共性质量比较,同时也能科学、快速识别影响AOS单项因子,为城市街区规划设计和建设管理提供优化方向和依据。Abstract: Providing public open space that can satisfy people's life needs with higher quality in high-density urban blocks is an important task and challenge for urban construction and management in the new era. The establishment of a method for evaluating the publicness of open space is an important way to quickly and scientifically identify the quality and influencing factors of open space. The core area of Guangzhou Pearl River New Town and Manhattan's Yorkville, New York were taken as the research objects, and the analytic hierarchy process was used to establish the publicity evaluation system of the building attached open space (AOS), the index weight was calculated, and the evaluation standard was established. The results showed that: 1)the importance of the six evaluation indicators should be ranked as: access time> recreational facilities> degree of openness> visual perception> spatial scale> monitoring impact; 2)in general, Manhattan’s Yorkville showed more public than the core area of Guangzhou Pearl River New Town slightly; and each had its own advantages and disadvantages in individual indicators. This research has supplemented and developed the existing AOS publicness evaluation method, which is suitable for the comparison of the publicity quality of various urban blocks. At the same time, it can also scientifically and quickly identify the individual factors that affect AOS, and provide information for planning, design and construction management of urban block.
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