Spatial Narrative of Memorial Landscapes from the Donghekou Site Park of Earthquake in Qingchuan
摘要: 地震纪念性景观空间叙事是近年来叙事地理学的前沿领域。以青川东河口园区地震纪念性景观为研究对象,揭示封闭空间与开放空间中不同的景观叙事的叙事过程、类型与策略。研究发现点叙事、顺序叙事、混合叙事3种叙事策略以及地震纪念碑叙事、地震纪念广场叙事、东河口故事村观光线路叙事等10种叙事类型。通过点叙事和顺序叙事的空间配置,形成了"地震纪念""遗址探寻"和"重建参观"的主题线路,凸显了"铭记震灾,展望未来"的核心价值。Abstract: Recent scholarship of narrative geography has focused on the spatial narratives of memorial landscapes of earthquakes. The study aimed to reveal the issues of processes, strategies, and types of landscape narratives in open and closed spaces by focusing on the memorial landscapes at the Donghekou Site Park of the 2008 Earthquake in Qingchuan. The results identified three kinds of narrative strategies, ranging from point narrative and sequential narrative to hybrid narrative, which were further divided into 10 sub-types, such as spatial narratives of markers, plazas, and the Donghekou story village. The point narrative and sequential narrative had set the spatial configuration of the site to three narrative lines related with memorial landscapes, and these included "Commemorate Victims", "Explore Ruins", and "Visit Rebuilt Sites". Ultimately, the spatial narratives of memorial landscapes of the earthquake exalted the core value of the site park, which could be manifested as "to remember the earthquake disaster and to look into the future".
Key words:
- narrative geography /
- spatial narrative /
- memorial landscape of earthquake /
- Donghekou
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