Experimental Research on Mechanical Properties of Prefabricated Cylindrical Piers with Different Splicing Structures Under Eccentric Compression
摘要: 既有的试验研究表明采用CFST凸榫-灌浆套筒混合连接的装配式圆柱墩的抗震性能优于整体现浇桥墩,但目前涉及这类拼装桥墩的偏压性能试验研究较为少见。进行了采用混合连接、灌浆套筒连接、CFST凸榫连接的拼装桥墩和整体现浇桥墩的大、小偏压性能试验,对不同类型桥墩的损伤机理和破坏模式进行比较分析,并采用JTG 3362—2018规范对试件的受压承载力进行计算,结果表明:采用混合连接桥墩的破坏模式和损伤过程与整体式桥墩在总体上是相近的,均为在小偏压状态下表现为受压侧混凝土压碎破坏,在大偏压状态下表现为受拉侧钢筋屈服破坏;相对于整体现浇试件,在大、小偏压荷载作用下,混合连接试件的承载力分别提高了6%和2%、灌浆套筒连接试件的承载力分别下降了6%和提高了8%、CFST凸榫连接试件的承载力分别下降了20%和27%;与其他类型拼装桥墩试件不同,采用混合连接的拼装桥墩试件的实测承载力均大于JTG 3362—2018规范的计算结果。Abstract: The existing experimental studies showed that the seismic performance of prefabricated cylindrical pier with hybrid joint was better than that of cast-in-place pier, but the experimental research on the mechanical properties of this kind of assembled pier under eccentric compression was rare. The mechanical properties tests of four kinds of cylindrical piers under large or small eccentric compression were carried out, including the assembled pier with hybrid joints, the assembled pier with grouting sleeve connection, the assembled pier with CFST shear key connection and the integral cast-in-place pier. The damage mechanism and failure mode of different types of piers were compared and analyzed, and the bearing capacity of the specimens under compression was calculated by JTG 3362—2018. The results showed that: the failure mode and damage process of the pier connected by hybrid joints were similar to that of the integral bridge pier, which showed that the concrete on the compression side was crushed in the state of small eccentric compression, and the steel bar in the tensile side was yielding failure in the state of large eccentric compression. Compared with the integral cast-in-place specimens, the bearing capacity of the hybrid joint connection specimens increased by 6% under large eccentric compression and increased by 2% under small eccentric compression. The bearing capacity of the specimens connected by the grouting sleeve was reduced by 6% under large eccentric compression and increased by 8% under small eccentric compression. The bearing capacity of the specimens connected by the CFST shear key decreased by 20% under large eccentric compression and decreased by 27% under small eccentric compression. Different from other types of assembled pier specimens, the measured bearing capacity of composite pier specimens connected with hybrid joints was greater than the calculation results of JTG 3362—2018.
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