摘要: 为了探究长期荷载作用后钢-竹组合工字形梁的力学性能,以竹板厚度、钢板厚度和宽度、截面高度为参数,设计制作了8根钢-竹组合工字形梁试件,其中4根为长期加载试件,施加长期荷载后进行二次加载破坏试验,其余4根为短期试件,直接进行加载破坏试验,来作为对比。对长期加载试件和短期试件进行分析,对比破坏特征、破坏形态、破坏荷载,研究钢-竹组合工字形梁的荷载-应变关系、荷载-挠度关系、承载力衰减等力学性能的变化,探讨钢-竹组合工字形梁在长期荷载作用后承载力与挠度的计算方法。试验结果表明:钢-竹组合工字形梁在长期荷载作用后,仍具有良好的受力特性。长期荷载作用对钢-竹组合工字形梁的最终破坏形态无影响,组合梁二次加载破坏与直接加载破坏受力过程均呈弹性、屈服、开裂、极限四个阶段;长期试件的挠曲变形与短期试件的挠曲变形相差不大,增加竹板厚度、钢板厚度和宽度、截面高度,可提高长期加载试件的极限荷载,长期试件承载力的衰减程度约为10%;采用所提出的算式计算钢-竹组合工字形梁长期荷载作用后的承载力与挠度,理论值与试验值吻合较好。Abstract: In order to explore the mechanical properties of steel-bamboo composite I-beam after being subjected to long-term loading, eight steel-bamboo composite I-beam specimens were designed and fabricated with the parameters of bamboo plate thickness, steel plate thickness and width, and section height. Four of them were long-term loaded specimens. After being subjected to long-term loading, secondary loading failure tests were carried out. The other four were short-term loaded specimens, and loading failure tests were carried out directly for comparison. The long-term and short-term loaded specimens were analyzed, and the failure characteristics, failure modes and failure loads were compared. The load-strain relationship, load-deflection relationship and bearing capacity attenuation of steel-bamboo composite I-beams were studied. The calculation method of bearing capacity and deflection of steel-bamboo composite I-beams after being subjected to long-term loading was discussed. The test results showed that the steel-bamboo composite I-beams still had good mechanical properties after being subjected to long-term loading. Long-term load had no effect on the ultimate failure mode of steel-bamboo composite I-beams. The secondary loading failure and direct loading failure of composite beams had four stages of elasticity, yield, cracking and ultimate strength. The flexural deformation of long-term loaded specimens was little different from that of short-term loaded specimens. Increasing the thickness, width and section height of bamboo plate could improve the ultimate bearing capacity of long-term loaded specimens. The bearing capacity of long-term loaded specimens decreased by about 10%. This paper calculated the bearing capacity and deflection of steel-bamboo composite I-beams after being subjected to long-term loading by using the proposed formula, and the theoretical value was in good agreement with the experimental value.
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