Research on Influencing Factors of Satisfaction with Transformation of Old Industrial Lands into Cultural and Creative Parks in Guangzhou
摘要: 进入后工业化时代,文化创意产业迅速兴起,老旧工业区凭借独特的工业景观转型成为文化创意产业发展的理想空间场所。以广州市旧工厂文创园为例,对工业用地更新类文化创意产业园满意度影响因素进行研究,为工业用地更新类文化创意产业园提质增效提供对策建议。在传统区位论基础上,引入场景理论构建了工业用地更新类文化创意产业园满意度影响因素指标体系,运用因子分析法对影响因素进行评估。研究发现文化活动场景特征与区位条件共同成为旧工厂文创园满意度的关键影响因素,便利服务与设施、人才、文化价值观等其他文化场景特征亦对旧工厂文创园成功转型具有重要作用。为促使旧工厂文创园实现长远健康发展,应紧跟文创产业发展潮流,提升场景营造水平,塑造个性化文创园;增强人才队伍建设,优化园区配套设施;完善产业政策与规划设计,扶持文创园发展。Abstract: In the post-industrial era, cultural and creative industries are growing rapidly. With its unique landscape, many old industrial districts have transformed into ideal spaces for the development of cultural and creative industries. Taking the cultural and creative parks transformed from old factory in Guangzhou as an example, the paper studied the factors influencing the satisfaction of these parks, so as to provide suggestions for future improvement. Based on the traditional location theory, the paper introduced the scene theory to construct the index system of influencing factors of satisfaction of these parks, and used the factor analysis method to evaluate the influencing factors. The study found that the characteristics and location conditions of cultural activity scenes were the key factors influencing the satisfaction of the cultural and creative parks transformed from old factories. Other cultural scene characteristics, such as convenient services and facilities, talent and cultural values, also played important roles in the transformation. In order to achieve long-term and healthy development of the cultural and creative parks, the development trend of cultural and creative industry should be closely followed, the level of scene construction should be improved, personalized cultural and creative parks should be built, the construction of talent team should be strengthened, the supporting facilities of park should be optimizied, and finally, the corresponding planning and policy guidance should be improved.
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