Numerical Analysis of Seismic Performance of Tibetan Stone-Wood Dwellings
摘要: 西藏地区受地理条件的限制多采用传统的石木房屋结构体系,且没有进行抗震设计,在地震灾害下受损严重。为了解藏式石木结构民居在地震作用下的薄弱环节,选择拉萨郊区的一典型石木结构民居为研究对象,通过ANSYS建模分析其在3组多遇地震作用下的位移和加速度响应,以及在El Centro波罕遇地震作用下的加速度响应、位移响应和应力云图,计算得到层间位移角以及加速度放大系数;此外,结合结构剪应力的分布情况,对比发现该结构在地震荷载作用下的主要薄弱部位为女儿墙、二层柱节点、门窗洞口附近墙体以及墙角处;最后,根据分析结果给出了加固和改良该类结构的建议。Abstract: Due to geographical restrictions, Tibetan dwellings mostly adopts traditional stone-wood structure system, which has no seismic design and is easy to be severely damaged by earthquake disasters. In order to understand the weak links of Tibetan-style stone-wood structure dwellings under earthquake action, a typical stone-wood structure dwelling in the suburbs of Lhasa was selected as the research object, and its displacement and acceleration response under three groups of frequent earthquakes were analyzed through ANSYS modeling. As well as the acceleration response, displacement response and stress cloud diagram under the action of the El-Centro rare earthquake wave, the inter-storey drift angle and acceleration magnification factor were calculated; in addition, combined with the distribution of structural shear stress, it was found that under seismic action, the main weak points were the parapet wall, the second-story column joints, the walls near the door and window openings, and the corners; finally, some suggestions for strengthening and improving this type of structure were given based on the analysis results.
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