Local Buckling Behavior of Steel-Concrete Composite Shell Hybrid Wind Tower Under Axial Compression
摘要: 为了解决传统圆台形钢结构塔筒在受压时容易发生局部屈曲从而导致塔筒倒塌的问题,基于组合结构原理提出一种新型风电钢-混凝土组合壳体混合塔筒。为了研究风电钢-混凝土组合壳体混合塔筒的钢板屈曲承载性能,以曲率(半径的倒数)和距厚比(栓钉竖向间距与钢板厚度的比值)为关键参数设计了3个试件。其中,试件的内外侧钢板通过栓钉与混凝土相连,竖向荷载完全由钢板承担,混凝土仅对钢板起平面外支撑作用。内外侧钢板与混凝土之间铺设有聚四氟乙烯膜以消除内外侧钢板与混凝土之间的摩擦传力。对上述3个试件开展轴压试验,得到了试件的破坏形态和荷载-位移曲线。试验结果表明:试件均发生栓钉间钢板局部屈曲破坏;距厚比相同时,设置曲率构造能极大地提升试件的屈曲承载力;对于带弧度的试件,减小距厚比可有效提升试件的屈曲承载力。Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the traditional steel tower is prone to collapse due to local buckling under axial compression, considering the principle of steel-concrete composite structures, a new type of steel-concrete composite shell hybrid tower for wind power tower structure was proposed. In order to study the buckling bearing capacity of steel plate in steel-concrete composite shell hybrid tower, three specimens were designed considering the key parameters such as the curvature (the reciprocal of radius) and the spacing-to-thickness ratio (the ratio of vertical stud spacing and surface steel plate thickness). The inner and outer steel plates were connected to the concrete by the studs, and the concrete did not directly bear the vertical load and only provided brace to the steel plates. Polytetrafluoroethylene membrane was laid between the steel plates and concrete to eliminate the friction and adhesion between the steel plates and sandwich concrete. The specimens were tested under axial compression, the failure modes and load-displacement curves of the specimens were obtained. The test results showed that: 1)local buckling failure between studs occurred in all specimens. 2)Compared with the specimen with curvature of 0.001 and the flat steel plate specimen, setting curvature structure could greatly improve the buckling bearing capacity. 3)Reducing the spacing-to-thickness ratio could also improve the buckling bearing capacity of the specimen.
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