Research on Shear Properties of Spherical Hinged Supports of a Complex Large-Scale Steel Structure Subjected to Axial Compressive Loads
摘要: 钢结构球型铰支座在不同荷载组合作用下具有复杂的受力状态,为了研究支座的力学性能以及其对整体结构受力的影响,以广州白云国际机场T2航站楼大型支座为对象,对其在轴压荷载下的剪切性能进行了数值模拟分析及足尺模型试验研究。结果表明:应力及变形的试验曲线与数值模拟结果基本一致,且处于较低应力水平;支座水平位移与水平剪力之间基本呈线性关系,其剪切性能满足GB/T 17955—2009《桥梁球支座》和设计要求。在此基础上,根据试验及模拟结果,提出了在轴压荷载下的拟合支座剪切刚度模型,以用于整体结构的精细化受力分析。Abstract: The steel spherical hinged support is in complex stress states subjected to various load combinations. In order to assess its mechanical properties and the influence on integral structural safety, taking the large support of T2 of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport as an example, the numerical simulation analysis and full-scale model experiment for the shear properties of the support subjected to axial compressive load were carried out. It was indicated that the stress and deformation curves of experiments and numerical simulation results were coincident. The support was in low stress level. In addition, the relations between horizontal displacement and horizontal shear force was linear. On this basis, according to the test and simulation results, the fitted shear stiffness model of the support subjected to axial compressive load was proposed for the refinement mechanical analysis of integral structure.
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