摘要: 随着对健康人居问题关注度的提升,对大量新建及已建成的人居环境,诊治其健康程度成为工程界关注的热点。健康人居同健康建筑有着密切的联系,其热环境成为健康人居中不可或缺的一环。通过梳理国内外健康建筑标准中热环境的相关要求,对岭南月岛住区进行实例研究。现场实测的同时,进行数值模拟的验证,进而对比分析。基于诊断结果提出了合理的优化方向,讨论了两种方法的真实有效及互补性,以期为健康人居热环境的诊治贡献理论内涵并构建合理的方法流程。Abstract: With the increasing concern about healthy human dwellings, how to diagnose and treat the healthy levels of newly built and existing buildings in our country has become a key problem. Healthy settlements are closely related to healthy buildings, and its thermal environment has become an indispensable part of healthy buildings. By sorting out the relevant requirements of the thermal environment in the domestic and foreign healthy building standards, a case study of the residential area of Yuedao in Lingnan was carried out. At the same time, as the on-site measurement, numerical simulation was also performed for verification and comparative analysis. Based on the diagnosis results, a reasonable optimization direction was proposed, and the true effectiveness and complementarity of the two methods were discussed, hoping to contribute theoretical connotations and construct a reasonable method process for the diagnosis and treatment for the thermal environment of healthy buildings.
Key words:
- healthy building /
- thermal environment /
- diagnosis and treatment /
- comfort /
- residential area /
- green building
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