摘要: 以碳纤维增强复材(CFRP)包裹钢筋混凝土圆柱为研究对象,利用设计点(JC)法对GB 50608—2010《纤维增强复合材料建设工程应用技术规范》中轴压构件的设计方法进行可靠度评估,并进行了主要参数对可靠度指标的影响分析。研究结果发现:圆柱直径和混凝土强度对平均可靠度指标几乎没有影响;钢筋强度、钢筋配筋率和FRP强度对平均可靠度指标的影响较小,而FRP用量的影响则相对较为明显,且呈现出随着FRP用量增大而增大的变化趋势;平均可靠度指标随着荷载效应比的增大先逐渐增大,而当荷载效应比大于2.0后则变得平缓;对于住宅和办公楼活荷载,CFRP加固钢筋混凝土圆柱的平均可靠度指标分别为4.40和4.53,均比现行的GB 50010—2010《混凝土结构设计规范》中普通钢筋混凝土轴压构件的可靠度指标大约低0.8。为能够获得与GB 50010—2010中轴压构件同等的可靠度水平,对原有的承载力计算式提出了修正建议。Abstract: Taking the CFRP reinforced concrete circular columns as the research object, a reliability evaluation on the axial compressed members which were designed according to the Technical Code for Infrastructure Application of FRP Composites GB 50608-2010, was conducted by JC method. It was found that the diameter of the columns and concrete strength had little effect on the average reliability index. The steel strength, steel reinforcement ratio, and FRP strength all had a little effect on the average reliability index. By contrast, the FRP reinforcement ratio had an obvious effect on the reliability index, and the average reliability index indicated an increase tendency with a larger FRP reinforcement ratio. Similarly, the average reliability index increased with the increase of load effect ratio, and then became flat when the load effect ratio was larger than 2.0. The average reliability index of CFRP reinforced circular columns under axial loads were 4.40 and 4.53, corresponding to the two typical live loads of residential building and office building respectively. These reliability indexes were about 0.8 lower than the axial compressed columns designed by the Code for Design of Concrete Structures GB 50010-2010. In order to obtain the same reliability level as the axial compressed members in the current code of GB 50010-2010, some suggestions were put forward to revise the original formula provided by the code of GB 50608-2010.
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