Experimental Study on Performances of Axial Compression for Prefabricated Walls Integrating Thermal Insulation and Load-Bearing
摘要: 通过5榀全尺寸承重保温一体化预制墙板竖向轴压试验,研究了洞口、高厚比及加载方式对轴压作用下墙板的破坏模态、承载力、裂缝发展等受压性能的影响,分析蒸压砂加气混凝土砌块与混凝土框格的整体协同受力性能。试验研究表明:集中荷载作用下,肋柱局部发生受压破坏,墙板中肋柱、肋梁和砌块整体协同受力性能较好;均布荷载作用下,在试验高厚比范围内,墙板平面外侧向位移均小于6 mm,无面外失稳破坏,随着墙体高厚比增加承载力有所减小,洞口的存在可改变墙板的破坏模态;蒸压砂加气混凝土砌块与混凝土框格相互约束形成受力整体,肋柱承担主要荷载;给出承重保温一体化预制墙板轴心受压承载力计算式,算式计算结果与试验值吻合较好。
- 承重保温一体化预制墙板 /
- 承载力 /
- 试验研究 /
- 协同受力性能
Abstract: Through the vertical axial load test of 5 full-scale prefabricated walls integrating thermal insulation and load-bearing, research on the influences of opening, height-to-thickness ratios and loading methods on failure modes, bearing capacity, crack development and other compression performances of the walls under axial compression was performed and the cooperative mechanical performances of aerated concrete blocks with autoclaved sand and concrete frames were analyzed. The research indicated that under concentrated loads, concrete rib columns partly occured in compression failure, and the concrete rib columns, concrete rib beams and blocks in walls were of better cooperative mechanical performances; under uniform loads, within the teet height-to-thickness ratio ranges, the lateral displacement of the walls was less than 6 mm, no instability failure occured. As the height-to-thickness ratios of the walls increased, the bearing capacity decreased and the opening could change the failure mode of the walls; the aerated concrete blocks with autoclaved sand and the concrete frames were mutually constrained to form a force-bearing whole, and the ribs bore the main loads; the calculation formula for the axial compressive bearing capacity of the prefabricated walls integrating thermal insulation and load-bearing was given, and its calculation results were in accordance with the experimental values. -
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