摘要: 为明确预制装配整体式混凝土综合管廊结构的受力变形性能,进行了双仓室预制装配整体式综合管廊的节段足尺模型试验研究及相应的分析。结果表明:1)大仓室顶板发生纵筋屈服后的剪切破坏,小仓室顶板在达到抗弯承载能力之前发生了剪切破坏,管廊较厚顶板的抗剪承载能力更有可能成为设计的控制因素;2)只要穿过结合面的桁架腹筋能有可靠锚固,结合面的工作性能可得到保证;3)采用预制部分墙板内预留外伸U形筋与顶板内伸入墙板现浇层钢筋搭接的构造,可以满足节点的受力需求;4)现有管廊的结构设计具备足够的安全储备和良好的正常使用性能。Abstract: The full-scale segmental model test and corresponding analysis were conducted on the assembly monolithic concrete utility tunnel with double compartments to obtain its mechanical performances. The results showed that:1) the failure mode for the larger compartment roof was shear failure after yield of longitudinal rebars, while the shear failure was observed in the smaller compartment roof before the ultimate flexural capacity. The shear bearing capacity of the roof with larger thickness for the tunnel was likely to be the control factor in design; 2) the working performance of the bonding interface could be guaranteed if the anchorage of the web rebars of trusses across the bonding interface was reliable; 3) the overlapping structure between U-shaped rebars reserved in the precast parts of walls and the rebars extending into the cast-in-place layer of the roof could meet load-bearing requirement of connections; 4) the structural design of the existing utility tunnel had sufficient safety reserve and good normal service performances.
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