摘要: 提出一种应用于装配式交错桁架结构的新型空心楼板与钢梁的连接方式,并建立基于ABAQUS的有限元模型对其受力性能进行了研究。通过17个梁板连接节点的有限元模型,研究了T型连接钢板高度、强度以及埋置深度、螺栓强度、锚固钢筋直径、有无锚固钢筋和后浇混凝土强度等参数对梁板节点承载力的影响。研究结果表明:设置T型连接钢板影响后浇混凝土的破坏位置,会造成应力集中现象;随着T型连接钢板高度的增加,梁板节点的刚度也不断增加,但其对极限承载力影响不大;T型连接钢板的埋置深度是影响梁板节点承载力的关键因素,埋置深度越大,承载力越大;T型连接钢板的强度、螺栓强度、锚固钢筋直径对承载力影响较小,后浇混凝土强度对梁板节点承载力有一定影响,强度越大,承载力越大;梁板节点的受剪承载力随着抗剪钢筋直径的增加而逐渐增加,钢筋直径大于20 mm时,承载力增幅有限,其最大剪切应力能满足实际工程的需要。Abstract: A new type of connection between hollow floor slab and steel beam for assembled staggered truss structure was proposed, and a finite element model based on ABAQUS was established to study its mechanical properties. Based on the finite element model of 17 beam and slab connections, the influence of the parameters such as the height, strength and embedding depth of the T-type connecting steel plate, bolt strength, the diameter of penetrating steel bar, whether there is penetrating steel bar or not, and the strength of post-cast concrete on the bearing capacity of the beam and slab joints was studied. The results showed that: setting T-type connecting steel plate would affect the failure position of post-cast concrete, which would cause the phenomenon of stress concentration; with the increase of the height of T-type connecting steel plate, the stiffness of beam slab joint was also increasing, but it had little effect on the ultimate bearing capacity; the embedding depth of T-type connecting steel plate was the key factor that affected the bearing capacity of beam slab joints, the greater the embedment depth, the greater the bearing capacity; the strength of T-type connecting steel plate, bolt strength and diameter of through reinforcement had little influence on the bearing capacity, while the strength of post cast concrete had a certain influence on the bearing capacity of beam slab joints, the greater the strength, the greater the bearing capacity; the shear capacity of the beam slab joint increased with the increase of the diameter of the shear reinforcement, when the diameter of the reinforcement was larger than 20 mm, the increase of the bearing capacity was limited, and the maximum shear stress could meet the needs of the actual project.
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