摘要: 介绍了一种运用超高性能混凝土(UHPC)连接的新型装配式剪力墙,对5榀足尺的装配式剪力墙结构在不同轴压比情况下进行拟静力试验,研究其抗震性能。试验结果表明:底部设置水平缝的装配式剪力墙试件和整浇剪力墙破坏形态均为理想的压弯破坏,装配式剪力墙后浇区上方混凝土发生压溃破坏;墙中部设置竖缝的装配式剪力墙沿着与地梁的接缝发生微小侧移,竖向钢筋有被剪断趋势,试件发生弯剪破坏。轴压比为0.35的装配式剪力墙试件,由于浇筑质量原因,底部UHPC保护层厚度较小,导致后浇区钢筋锚固不足。研究表明这种新型连接能够有效地传递钢筋应力;轴压比相同时,带水平缝和竖缝的装配式剪力墙的承载力均较整浇剪力墙略有提高,位移延性、耗能能力基本与整浇试件处于同一水平。5榀试件的极限位移角都大于1/100,满足GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》要求。Abstract: A new precast shear wall connected by ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) was introduced in the paper. 5 full-scale shear walls were designed to study the aseismic performances of the precast shear wall subjected to quasi-static cyclic loads. The experiment results showed that the prefabricated shear wall with horizontal joints and the cast-in-place wall failed in the same compression-bending mode, the concrete at the bottom of the prefabricated shear wall crushed badly. The shear wall with vertical joints failed in bending-shear mode while a subtle sidesway was observed and the vertical rebars ruptured. For the prefabricated shear wall in the axial compression ratio of 0.35, the thickness of the protective layer of UHPC was small because of the poor quality of the casting, resulting in insufficient anchoring of the rebars in the post-casting area. The new connection form could transfer the stress of rebars effectively, the shear wall with horizontal joints or vertical joints showed slightly higher bearing capacity than the cast-in-place in same axial compression ratio, and the displacement ductility and energy-dissipation capacity were extremely closed. The ultimate shift angles of the 5 shear walls were larger than 1/100, meeting the requirements of GB 50011-2010 Code for Seismic Design of Building.
Key words:
- prefabricated shear wall /
- rebar short-lapped /
- UHPC /
- quasi-static cyclic test /
- aseismic performance
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