摘要: 通过3个带拉杆方钢管钢筋混凝土柱的试验,其中1个为轴心受压(试件S-1)、2个为拟静力试验(试件S-2、S-3),考察试件的承载力、破坏模式、失效路径、滞回耗能能力、位移延性、强度及刚度退化特性。结果表明:试件S-1发生压缩变形;外钢壳对混凝土提供包裹约束作用;柱身混凝土内部的开裂膨胀,导致钢壳受到混凝土较大的扩张作用。由于钢壳较薄,加之拉筋的局部约束作用,拉筋之间的钢壳会鼓出呈半波形状。拟静力试验中,两试件主要发生柱底端混凝土压碎及钢壳鼓曲破坏。由于试件S-3两端未设置加强环箍,且剪跨比较小,其下端混凝土及外钢壳较试件S-2下端破坏严重,耗能能力也较弱。根据应力分析,给出了带拉杆的方钢管钢筋混凝土柱的轴压承载力计算式,并讨论了拉杆钢管的约束效应对柱端塑性铰长度的影响。Abstract: The tests were conducted on three reinforced concrete-filled steel square tubular columns with tie bars, which included one axial compressive test for S-1 and two pseudo-static tests for S-2 and S-3. The bearing capacity, failure modes, failure paths, hysteretic energy dissipation capacity, displacement ductility, strength and stiffness degradation were examined. The research indicated that the compression deformation occurred to specimen S-1. Binding action was provided for concrete by steel tubes. The expansion from concrete to steel tubes occured because of the concrete’s cracking inside and bulking. Half-wave shapes of the steel tubes between tie bars occurred due to the bucking of thin steel tubes and the local constraint of tie bars. The bottom of concrete was crushed and steel tubes was buckled in quasi-static tests. The bottom of specimen S-3 without reinforcing stiffening rings at the two ends and with smaller shear span-to-effective depth ratios was more seriously damaged and the energy dissipation capacity was lower than specimen S-2. A design formula to calculate axial bearing capacity of columns was proposed, and the influence of the constraint effect from tie bars on the plastic hinge length of column ends was discussed.
Key words:
- binding bar /
- test /
- ductility /
- failure mode /
- bearing capacity
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