摘要: 为探讨软土微观结构的变化对宏观力学性质的影响机制,对广州南沙区淤泥质土进行了固结快剪试验,结合扫描电镜及微观层析成像技术,定性及定量分析剪切土样上下部分微观结构的变化规律及对抗剪强度的影响机制。结果表明:随着固结压力的持续增大,软土的孔隙比逐渐降低,最终的孔隙比大多集中在0.5~0.6,其变化存在明显的拐点,大多集中在lg(p/kPa)=1.5~2.0。剪切破坏后土样下部的含水率明显大于上部的含水率,差值在1.8%~3.3%。淤泥质土的固结快剪直剪试验的内摩擦角φ值达到或接近14°;黏聚力与土的初始含水量几乎无关;黏聚力与高岭石的含量呈现正相关的关系,而内摩擦角与石英的含量并没有呈现出绝对的线性关系。南沙淤泥质土从空间架构上看,结构类型较多,既有蜂窝状、海绵状、絮状结构,也有片状、骨架状和凝块状结构,接触方式以面-面、面-边、角-面、角-角接触为主。存在固结压力、自由水与颗粒的响应机制,其结果可以较好地解释工程淤堵现象。Abstract: To ascertain the influential mechanisms of the microstructure for soft soil on the macroscopic mechanical properties, consolidation shear tests of mucky soil in Nansha zone of Guangzhou were conducted. Combined with the scanning electron microscope and the microscopic tomography technique, the microstructure changes of the upper and lower parts for specimens and the influential mechanisms on the shear strength were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that the void ratios of the soft soil gradually decreased with the continuous increase of consolidation pressure, and the final void ratios were mostly between 0.5 to 0.6. There were obvious inflection points for void ratios, and the values of lg(p/kPa) were mostly between 1.5 and 2.0. After shear failure, the moisture contents of the soil specimens from lower locations were significantly higher than that from of the upper, and the differences ranged from 1.8% to 3.3%.The cohension values of mucky soil had little relation with the initial moisture contents of the specimens, and the values of angles for internal friction were about 14° measured by quick direct shear tests. From the perspective of spatial structure, Nansha mucky soil had a variety of structural types, including honeycomb, spongy and flocculent structure, as well as flake, skeleton and agglomerate structure. The contact modes were mainly face-face, face-side, angle-face and angle-angle. The response mechanisms of consolidation pressure, free water and particles could well explain phenomena of engineering silting.
Key words:
- mucky soil /
- microstructure /
- consolidation /
- shear strength /
- SEM /
- silting
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