摘要: 为掌握冻融环境下橡胶混凝土与钢筋的黏结性能,将钢筋开槽后交错内贴应变片,合拢后埋入橡胶混凝土立方体试件,经快速冻融后进行中心拉拔试验,研究橡胶掺量和冻融循环次数对荷载-滑移曲线、锚固段钢筋应变情况、锚固段黏结应力影响。结果表明:橡胶混凝土与钢筋间的黏结破坏过程可分为微滑移、内裂滑移、加速滑移、滑移稳定扩展、滑移软化5个阶段。在冻融循环作用下,随着拉拔荷载的增大,各掺量橡胶混凝土拔出试件锚固段各点的钢筋应变增长幅度比较均匀,表明橡胶混凝土具有良好的抗冻性能。橡胶掺量不超过10%时,冻融环境下橡胶混凝土与钢筋的黏结锚固性能变化较小,峰值滑移较于普通混凝土的降低约6%。随着冻融循环次数的增加,橡胶混凝土试件的黏结应力整体分布较为均匀,荷载传递能力良好。Abstract: To understand the bond performances between concrete mixed with rubber and rebars in the freeze-thaw environment, rebars were slotted and then strain gauges were stuck crosswise on the groove surface, finaly, the rebars were closed and embedded in the rubber-concrete cubes. After being subjected to rapid freeze-thaw, the central pull-out tests were conducted to study the effect of rubber content and freeze-thaw cycles on load-slip curves, rebar strain in effective anchorage length and bond stress in effective length. The results showed that the bond-failure process could be divided into five stages:micro slip, internal crack slip, acceleration slip, slip stable development and slip softening. Under the action of freeze-thaw cycles, with the increase of pull-out loads, the strain of rebars at each point in the anchorage length with the different rubber content increased more evenly, which indicated that concrete mixed with rubber had good frost resistance. When the rubber content was not more than 10%, the change of bond performances between concrete and rebars in the freeze-thaw environment was small, and the peak slip reduced about 6% than that of ordinary concrete. With the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the overall distribution of bond stress of concrete mixed with rubber was more uniform, and the load transfer capacity was good.
Key words:
- freeze-thaw /
- rubber concrete /
- rebar /
- bond-slip
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