摘要: 通过自然暴露环境下多种掺料混凝土(掺粉煤灰、矿粉、煤矸石)的碳化试验,分析碳化时间、养护时间对掺料混凝土早期碳化深度发展规律的影响。研究结果表明:掺料混凝土的碳化深度在浇筑后的90 d内发展极快,90~180 d由于回碱现象碳化深度发展较慢,180 d后碳化深度继续发展并趋于稳定;掺料混凝土的碳化深度与其碳化时间的平方根呈线性关系;混凝土早期碳化速度随养护时间的延长而减慢,单掺、双掺、三掺混凝土的减慢程度依次减弱。结合前期研究成果,考虑掺料种类及掺量、养护时间、碳化时间、碳化部位、水胶比等因素建立了掺料混凝土早期碳化深度的计算模型,与其他试验结果对比验证了模型的适用性。Abstract: Based on the carbonation test of concrete with various admixtures (fly ash, mineral powder and gangue) in natural exposure environment, the influence of carbonation time and curing time on the early carbonation depth of concrete with admixtures was analyzed. Results showed that the carbonation depth of concrete with admixtures developed very fast within 90 days after pouring, while tended to slowly from 90 days to 180 days due to the phenomenon of alkali return, and the carbonation depth of concrete with admixtures continued to develop and tended to be stable after 180 days. The carbonation depth of concrete with admixtures had a linear relationship with the square root of carbonation time. The early carbonation speed of concrete slowed down with the extension of curing time, and the slowing down degree of concrete with single, double and triple admixtures weakened in turn. Combined with the previous research results, considering the type and amount of admixtures, curing time, carbonation time, carbonation position, water-binder ratio and other factors, the calculation model of early carbonation depth of concrete with admixtures was established, and the applicability of the model was verified by comparing with test results from others.
Key words:
- mineral admixture /
- concrete /
- carbonation depth /
- curing time /
- carbonation time /
- calculation model
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