摘要: 螺旋箍筋约束波纹管浆锚搭接技术是一种成本较低、操作简单的装配式构件连接技术。为研究该连接技术的抗震性能,设计制作了2个采用螺旋箍筋约束波纹管浆锚连接技术的预制柱试件及1个现浇柱试件,并进行低周反复荷载试验,分析柱的破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、承载力、延性、刚度退化曲线及耗能能力。试验结果表明:1)螺旋箍筋约束波纹管浆锚搭接技术能有效连接预制柱,且其抗震性能整体上优于现浇柱;2)预制柱的裂缝发展规律和破坏模式与现浇柱大致相同;3)不设无黏结处理的预制柱抗震性能略差于现浇柱,但柱脚设置无黏结处理能提高其抗震性能;4)预制柱的极限承载力和延性系数都大于现浇柱;5)预制柱的平均割线刚度退化曲线高于现浇柱;6)预制柱的耗能能力高于现浇柱,且柱脚设置无黏结处理有利于提高试件的耗能能力。
- 预制柱 /
- 螺旋箍筋约束波纹管浆锚搭接 /
- 无黏结处理 /
- 抗震性能
Abstract: The slurry anchor lapping of corrugated pipe restrained by spiral stirrup is a technique to connect assembly components of low cost and simplicity. In order to study the seismic performance of the connection technique, two prefabricated members with slurry anchor lapping of corrugated pipe restrained by spiral stirrup and one cast-in-place structural column were designed and manufactured. The quasi-static load test was carried out to analyze the failure mode, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, bearing capacity, ductility, stiffness degradation curve and energy dissipation capacity of the structural columns. The test results showed that:1) the slurry anchor lapping of corrugated pipe restrained by spiral stirrup connection technique could effectively connect the precast column, and its seismic performance was better than that of the cast-in-place column on the whole; 2) the crack development and failure mode of the precast structural column were similar with that of the cast-in-place specimen; 3) the seismic performance of the precast column without bonding treatment was slightly worse than that of the cast-in-place column, but the seismic performance of the column base with non-bonding treatment could be improved; 4) the ultimate bearing capacity and ductility coefficient of precast members were higher than that of cast-in-place member; 5) the average secant stiffness degradation curve of precast members was higher than that of cast-in-place member; 6) the energy dissipation capacity of precast members was higher than that of cast-in-place member, and the unbonded treatment of column base was beneficial in improving the energy dissipation capacity of assembly members. -
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