摘要: 筋材布设参数是加筋土挡墙设计的关键内容之一。以充分利用筋材抗拉抗拔性能为目标,基于土压力变系数法和0.3H(H为挡墙高度)型潜在破裂面,分析加筋间距与筋材长度的关系,建立加筋间距为定值时筋材长度的计算方法和筋材锚固长度为定值时加筋间距的确定方法,并通过实例计算对比分析不同筋材布设参数确定方法下挡墙内筋材的消耗量。研究表明:加筋间距为定值时,筋材锚固长度与该层筋材深度处的土压力系数成正比;筋材锚固长度为定值时,加筋间距与该层筋材深度处的土压力系数成反比。算例表明:提出的两种筋材布设参数方法较传统的等长均布法有明显的经济优势,挡墙高度越高,筋材节约效果越明显。Abstract: The determination on laying parameters of geotextile is one of the key contents in design of reinforced soil walls. In order to make full use of the reinforcement performances, based on the variable coefficient method of earth pressure and the 0.3H(H represents the height of the retaining wall) potential failure mode, the relations between reinforcement spacings and reinforcement length were analyzed, the calculation method of reinforcement lengths with a certain reinforcement spacing or reinforcement spacings with a constant reinforcement length was established, the reinforcement consumption was analyzed through a calculation example in which the reinforced soil wall was designed by different reinforced methods. The results showed that:when reinforcement spacing was invariable, the anchorage length of reinforcement was proportional to the coefficient of the earth pressure at the depth of the reinforcement; when the reinforcement anchorage length was constant, the reinforcement spacing was inversely proportional to the coefficient of the earth pressure at the depth of the reinforcement; compared with the traditional equal length method, the two methods proposed in the paper were of obvious economic advantages, and the higher the retaining wall, the greater the saving of reinforcement.
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