摘要: 由于南充四馆一中心工程的屋盖系统要打造一种绸都文化印象,展现"蝴蝶翩飞"型的曲面造型,给屋面的建造带来了挑战。该工程创新利用微分近似原理,提出了将自由曲面转化为曲面和斜面的组合体的方法,通过BIM技术应用,有效地解决了自由曲面金属屋面板的设计安装难题;通过主龙骨相邻段对接节点设置插入式活动节点的方法,解决了金属屋面与主体结构协同变位的难题;通过测量数据和BIM模型综合应用,自动生成转接件的尺寸,设计制作一种快捷方便的测量标尺,解决了自由曲面空间测量难题;设计了铝板安装的"十"型靠尺,并创新使用了橡胶垫片,保证了面板与面板之间缝宽和板面平整度。通过工艺技术的创新和综合应用,提高了施工精度,缩短了建造周期,节约了安装成本。Abstract: The roof system of the four pavilions and one center project in Nanchong needs to create a cultural impression of the silk capital and show the curved shape of "butterfly flying", it brings many challenges to the construction of the roof which is different from the conventional roof. In this project, the principle of differential approximation was used to transform free-form surface into a combination of surface and bevel. Through BIM technology, the design and installation of free-form surface metal roof panel was effectively solved. The problem of coordinated displacement of metal roof and main structure was solved by setting plug-in movable joints at adjacent sections of main keel. Through the comprehensive application of measurement data and BIM model, the size of connector was automatically generated. A kind of fast and convenient measuring scale was designed and manufactured, which solves the problem of free-form surface space measurement. The project used the cruciform guiding rule and rubber gasket to install the aluminum plate,which could ensure the slot width and smoothness between plates. Through the innovation and comprehensive application of techniques, the construction accuracy was improved, the construction period was shortened, and the installation cost was saved.
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