摘要: 为研究盖板加强型节点断裂的特性,通过对3个钢框架盖板加强型节点局部试件的单向拉伸试验及数值模拟,研究加强板厚度、材料强度对试件断裂性能的影响。试验结果及有限元分析表明:试件破坏形态分为加强板端部角焊缝断裂和梁翼缘板断裂两类;当加强板厚度较大时,局部构件塑性变形较大且焊缝开裂风险较大,当厚度达到一定数值后,其变化对试件整体承载能力和焊缝断裂性能影响较小;提高材料强度可增大试件承载能力同时降低其塑性变形能力,但对焊缝处断裂性能影响不明显;加强板端部角焊缝处断裂风险高于对接焊缝。Abstract: To study the properties of fracturing at the weld of cover plate reinforced joint, 3 local specimens of cover plate reinforce connection were tested under uniaxial tensile loading and analyzed by finite element model. The influence of thickness of cover plate and the material strength on fracture properties were studied. The results showed that the failure modes of the specimens could mainly be divided into two types; namely fracture of beam flange and fillet weld fracture at end of cover plate; when the cover-plate was thicker, the risk of cracking at weld increased; when the thickness of plate reached a certain value, the change of thickness had little effect on the bearing capacity of the specimen and the fracture performance of the weld; increasing the strength of the material could improve the bearing capacity of the specimen and reduce the plastic deformation capacity of the specimen, but had no obvious effect on the fracture properties of the weld; the fillet weld at the end of the cover plate had a higher risk of cracking than butt weld.
Key words:
- cover plate reinforced joint /
- local specimens /
- weld /
- fracture properties /
- experimental study
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