摘要: 为研究不同配筋率对钢筋混凝土桥面板承载力的影响,在试验的基础上通过数值模拟建立8种配筋率的钢筋混凝土桥面板模型,研究其承载力大小,变化趋势及破坏形态。发现:对于破坏形态,在配筋率低于0.72%时发生弯曲破坏,大于0.95%时发生冲切破坏;对于承载力,配筋率在板弹性阶段的影响并不明显,而配筋率在0.2%~0.72%时对承载力影响较大;基于中国标准GB 50010-2010《混凝土结构设计规范》抗冲切承载力计算式,建立考虑配筋率影响的抗冲切承载力计算模型,通过线性回归的方法计算出模型的相关系数,对比欧洲标准、中国标准、美国标准及国内外研究者的试验数据,认为所提出计算式总体安全可靠。Abstract: In order to study the influence of different reinforcement ratios on the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete bridge deck, eight reinforced concrete bridge deck models with different reinforcement ratios were established by numerical simulation on the basis of experiments, and their bearing capacity, change trend and failure mode were studied. It was found that for the failure mode, bending failure occurred when the reinforcement ratio was lower than 0.72%, and punching failure occurred when the reinforcement ratio was greater than 0.95%. For the bearing capacity, the effect of reinforcement ratio on the elastic section was not obvious, and the effect of reinforcement ratio on the bearing capacity was greater when it was 0.2%~0.72%. Based on the calculation formula of punching capacity in GB 50010-2010 Code for Design of Concrete Structures, the calculation model of punching capacity calculation formula considering the influence of reinforcement ratio was established, and the correlation coefficient of the model was calculated by linear regression method.Compared to European standards and national standards and test data of the researchers at home and abroad, the proposed formula was safe and reliable.
Key words:
- punching capacity /
- numerical simulation /
- reinforced concrete slab /
- reinforcement ratio
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