摘要: 为改善楼板保温和受力性能,结合M型型钢与保温板特点,提出一种新型构造形式的楼板——M型型钢桁架楼板。通过对两块不同型钢厚度M型型钢桁架楼板的静力试验,基于M型型钢的特点并结合现有理论提出适用于M型型钢桁架楼板的型钢等效计算式和对应楼板开裂荷载、承载力计算式。试验与理论计算结果表明:该楼板整体刚度和承载力较大,当均布荷载达到荷载设计值时,楼板跨中变形远小于GB 50010—2010《混凝土结构设计规范》要求,具有较大安全储备;楼板截面符合平截面假定;峰值荷载理论计算结果与试验结果误差较小,型钢等效计算式和承载力计算式合理有效。Abstract: The paper presented a new structural form of the floor, M-shaped steel truss floor, to improve the thermal insulation and mechanical properties of the floor. Two M-shaped steel truss floors with different steel thicknesses were designed and static test was carried out. Based on the characteristics of M-shaped steel and combined with the existing theory, the equivalent calculation formula of M-shaped steel truss floor and the calculation formula of the cracking load and bearing capacity of the corresponding floor were proposed. The test results and theoretical calculation results showed that the overall stiffness and bearing capacity of the floor were large enough, and when the uniformly distributed load reached the designed of load value, the mid-span deformation of the floor was so far less than the requirements of Code for Design of Concrete Structures(GB 50010-2010) that it had a large safety reserve; the floor section conforms to the assumption of plane section; the error between theoretical calculation results of peak load and test results was small. The equivalent calculation formula and bearing capacity calculation formula of steel were reasonable and effective.
Key words:
- M-shaped steel /
- static test /
- equivalent calculation /
- cracking load /
- bearing capacity
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