摘要: 钢筋桁架叠合楼板具有良好的整体性能和抗震性能,并且能够减少模板用量,在装配式钢结构中得到广泛应用。但是,在混凝土结构工程中,梁、墙与板分开浇筑混凝土,梁或墙的浇筑完成上表面不平整的,一般的叠合楼板难以调整高度和位置使板面平整并达到预定标高,影响了装配效果和施工质量,为此提出高度可调节的装配式钢筋桁架叠合楼板。为研究该叠合楼板的受力性能,测得两块楼板施工阶段的钢筋的累计应变和挠度并进行使用阶段的静力承载力试验,分析了两块楼板的裂缝分布规律、钢筋应变和挠度变化规律。研究结果表明:在设计荷载下,受拉纵向钢筋并未屈服,处于开裂弹性阶段,楼板有较大的强度富余。从屈服到破坏楼板有一定的安全储备,达到极限荷载后,没有发生脆性的破坏,具有良好的延性。通过理论分析结合试验结果,对该叠合楼板使用阶段的短期刚度简化公式进行了研究,并对不同的计算方式进行对比。Abstract: Rebar truss composite floor has good mechanical properties, less formwork, and good overall performance and seismic performance, and was widely used in prefabricated steel structures. However, the beams, walls and floors were separately poured into concrete in concrete structure, and the top surface of beams or walls was not flat. The height and position of traditional composite floor were difficult to be adjusted to and reach the predetermined elevation, which affected the assembly effect and construction quality. Therefore, the height-adjustable prefabricated rebar truss composite floor was proposed. In order to study the mechanical properties of the composite floor, the accumulated strain of the reinforcement and deflection in the construction stage of two floors were measured and the static bearing capacity test in the use stage was carried out, and the crack distribution, rebar's strain and deflection of the two slabs were analyzed. The results showed that the longitudinal reinforced bars did not yield under design load, and the floor was in the stage of cracking elasticity and had a large strength surplus. From yield to failure, there was a certain safety reserve. After reaching the ultimate load, there was no brittle failure and it had good ductility. Through theoretical analysis and test results, the simplified formula of short-term stiffness of the composite floor in use stage was studied, and different calculation methods were compared.
Key words:
- composite floor /
- rebar truss /
- static test /
- stiffness calculation /
- height and position adjustable
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