摘要: 目前超高性能混凝土(UHPC)的配合比研究多集中在不含粗骨料的活性粉末混凝土(RPC)上,而在RPC中掺入粗骨料可以降低成本并且减少混凝土的收缩,但是关于含粗骨料的超高性能混凝土(CA-UHPC)的配合比的研究相对较少。以原材料、生产成本和生产工艺三方面为影响因素,对UHPC发展应用的影响进行探讨,并依此给出了较为经济合理的UHPC配合比设计,考虑施工现场环境条件并简化了养护工艺,制作了38组(共计114个) UHPC立方体试块,研究了水胶比、硅灰掺量、钢纤维掺量、粗骨料掺量以及养护条件等对UHPC抗压强度的影响规律并进行分析。基于试验结果给出了最优的钢纤维掺量及粗骨料掺量。Abstract: At present, the research on mix proportion of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) focus on reactive powder concrete (RPC), and the incorporation of coarse aggregate in RPC can reduce the cost and the shrinkage of concrete, but the research on the mix proportion of CA-UHPC is relatively less. The paper discussed the influence of raw materials, production costs and production processes on the development and application of UHPC, and proposed a more economical and reasonable design of UHPC mix proportion. Under the simulated construction environment and simplifying the curing process, by manufacturing 38 sets of UHPC cube test blocks, the water-binder ratio, silica fume content, steel fiber content, coarse aggregate content and curing condition were studied. The influence rules of these factors on the compressive strength of UHPC were given and the reasons were analyzed. In addition, according to the test results, the optimum steel fiber content and coarse aggregate content were given.
Key words:
- UHPC /
- compressive strength /
- water-binder ratio /
- silica fume /
- steel fiber /
- coarse aggregate
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