摘要: 以同心清真大寺基座为对象,利用地质雷达(GPR)无损检测方法对结构病害进行勘察,研究基座内土体水害时空分布特征及其病害机理,对比分析了降雨前后水分场分布特征,提出了基座加固保护的相应措施。研究表明:降雨前由于基座土体密实度较差,水分汇集于0.8~2.2 m范围内;雨水入渗后0.5~2.4 m范围内土体水分明显增强,并逐渐向外包砖砌体及拱券处迁移、渗透,从而造成外包砖砌体开裂、风化、台面下沉;通过灰土桩置换加固、修补顶面防水体系及基座结构性修补等保护措施,能够有效增强基座抗雨水侵蚀能力及其稳定性。Abstract: Taking the pedestal of Tongxin Mosque as the object, the geological radar (GPR) non-destructive detection method was used to prospect its structural diseases, the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics and disease mechanism of the soil in the pedestal were studied. The moisture field before and after the rain was compared and analyzed. According to the distribution characteristics, corresponding measures for reinforcement protection of the pedestal were proposed. The research results showed that the moisture was collected within the range of 0.8-2.2 m due to the poor compactness of the pedestal soil before the rain. After the rainwater infiltration, the soil moisture was obviously enhanced within the range of 0.5-2.4 m, the outer brick masonry and the arch migrated and infiltrated gradually, causing the cracking and weathering of outer brick masonry, as well as countertop sinking. The capatity against the rainwater erosion and the stability of the pedestal could be effectively enhanced by replacing the lime-soil pile, repairing the top waterproof system and the structural foundation.
Key words:
- ancient building /
- pedestal /
- structural diseases /
- moisture field /
- non-destructive detection
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