针对传统预制带肋叠合楼板质量大、浇筑肋条工序复杂等缺陷,结合当前工业化生产的趋势,研制出一种新型预制型钢-混凝土叠合楼板。利用有限元软件ABAQUS对比分析传统带肋楼板和型钢-混凝土叠合楼板在施工阶段的跨中挠度,探究工字钢肋高以及翼缘宽度在施工阶段对楼板跨中挠度的影响。对比了两种预制楼板的荷载-跨中挠度曲线、极限承载力和延性,并分析了不同工字钢尺寸对新型叠合楼板力学性能的影响。结果表明:当翼缘宽度大于30 mm时,新型楼板在施工荷载下的挠度小于传统楼板;同时,新型叠合板的跨中挠度随肋高和翼缘宽度的增大而逐渐减小。相比于传统叠合板,新型叠合楼板在底部纵筋屈服后其刚度退化更为缓慢,且具有更高的极限承载力及延性。对于新型叠合板,增大肋高和翼缘宽度可有效提升其极限承载力和延性。
According to the current trend of industry production, a new type of precast steel-concrete laminated slab is developed in order to solve the problems of large weight and complex procedure of rib pouring of traditional precast ribbed laminated slab. The mid-span deflections of traditional ribbed slab and steel-concrete laminated slab in the construction phase were analyzed by using ABAQUS. Meanwhile, the influences of rib’s height and the width of flange on the mid-span deflection of new laminated slab were also studied. In addition, the load versus mid-span deflection curves, the ultimate bearing capacity and the ductility of the two precast slabs were compared, and the influence of different dimensions on the mechanical properties of the new laminated slabs was analyzed. The results showed that the deflection of new laminated slab was less than that of the traditional ribbed slab in the construction phase when the width of flange was more than 30 mm. The mid-span deflection of new ribbed slab decreased with the increase of rib’s height and the width of flange. Compared with traditional laminated slab, the stiffness degradation of new type of laminated slab was slower after the longitudinal bars yielded. Furthermore, it had higher ultimate bearing capacity and ductility. Increasing rib’s height and the width of flange could effectively improve the ultimate bearing capacity and ductility of new laminated slab.