摘要: 双钢板混凝土组合剪力墙已越来越多地应用于高层民用住宅建筑中,但是国内并无关于其的防火标准要求。采用蒸压加气混凝土板(ALC板)和非膨胀型防火涂料对结构进行保护,运用ABAQUS建立不同工况下的双钢板混凝土组合剪力墙模型,模拟轴压和单面ISO-834标准升温曲线共同作用下结构的温度场分布及变形情况,并对其抗火和耐火性能进行了分析。研究发现:随着受火时间增加,墙体截面温度梯度越来越小,受火30~180 min,混凝土中部温度与受火面钢板温度之差在67%以上;增大栓钉和对拉螺栓间距会增大受火初期墙体的轴向膨胀位移和轴向压缩变形量;受火180 min下,当高厚比大于16时,其对轴向膨胀位移值无明显影响;增大轴压比会减小受火初期墙体的轴向膨胀位移,且当温度相同时,墙体轴向压缩变形量越大。当采用20 mm厚ALC板或10 mm厚非膨胀型防火涂料时,结构温度均未达到结构临界温度,表明双钢板混凝土组合剪力墙的防火保护层厚度可进一步优化。
- 双钢板混凝土组合剪力墙 /
- 耐火极限 /
- 耐火性能 /
- ALC板 /
- 防火涂料
Abstract: Double-steel-plate concrete (DSPC) composite wall is increasingly used in high-rise residential buildings, but there is no corresponding fire protection standard. In the paper, autoclaved lightweight concrete plate (ALC plate) and non-expansive fire retardant coatings were used to protect the structure. By using ABAQUS to establish the DSPC composite wall models under different working conditions, this paper simulated the temperature distribution and deformation of the structure and analyzed its fire resistance, which was under the combined action of axial compression with unilateral ISO-834 standard heating curve. It was found that with the increase of fire time, the temperature gradient became smaller and smaller, and the temperature difference value between middle part of concrete and steel plate of fire surface was more than 67% from 30 min to 180 min; increasing the distance between studs and split bolts would increase axial expansion deformation and axial compression deformation of the wall at the beginning of the fire; when the height-thickness ratio was greater than 16, the change of the height-thickness ratio had no obvious effect on the axial expansion displacement value under 180 min; increasing the axial compression ratio would reduce the axial expansion displacement of the wall at the initial stage of fire, and the axial compression deformation would be increased under the same temperature. Using 20 mm ALC board or 10 mm non-expansive fire-retardant coating to protect the composite wall, the temperature of structure could not reach the critical temperature. The results showed that the thickness of the fire protection layer of the composite shear wall could be further optimized. -
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