摘要: 厚度呈阶梯式改变圆柱壳体结构在工程实践中有着广泛的应用,例如垂直安放的各种容器和筒仓结构。这类结构在空置或部分空置时,在外部压力的作用下易发生屈曲破坏。由于壳体复杂的厚度变化形式,屈曲模态可能有多种形式,如何准确地判断壳体的屈曲模态是此类结构设计时的一个难题。提出一种新的方法加权平均厚度方法,这种方法可以对任何厚度阶梯式改变的短、中等长度圆柱壳体结构进行稳定性分析。用此方法得到的结果与利用有限元软件ABAQUS得到的精确结果以及用当前欧洲规范得到的结果进行对比,结果表明,加权平均厚度方法可以对厚度阶梯式改变的短、中等长度圆柱壳体在外部均匀压力作用下的屈曲强度及屈曲模态进行非常准确的评估。
- 圆柱壳体 /
- 筒仓 /
- 厚度阶梯式改变圆柱壳体 /
- 外部压力 /
- 屈曲
Abstract: The shells of stepped wall cylinders are widely used for cylindrical containment structures, such as vertical-axis tanks and silos.Buckling failures can easily occur on these structures under external pressures when they are empty or partial empty.Their buckling modes may have several forms due to complicated changes in wall thickness.Hencr how to determine accurately the buckling mode of cylinder wall is a difficult issue in design of such structures.It was introduced a new weighted mean thickness method.Buckling predictions were made using the new hand calculation method and compared both with accurate predictions from finite element calculations using ABAQUS and with the current Eurocode rules.The comparison shows that the weighted mean thickness method provides a precise evaluation of the external buckling strength and modes of stepped wall cylinders for a wide range of short and medium-length shells.-
Key words:
- cylindrical shells /
- silos /
- shell of stepped wall thickness cylinder /
- external pressure /
- buckling
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