摘要: 通过一系列动三轴试验,获得不同动应力幅值、围压和含水率条件下阜新风积土轴向累积应变与振动次数的关系曲线。基于土结构性研究成果,定义风积土联结结构动应变势参数mN1、摩擦结构动应变势参数mN2和风积土总结构动应变势参数mN,探讨饱和重塑风积土发生结构破坏时,上述各结构性参数指标与试验条件间的关系。研究结果表明:mN1随振动次数的增加而减小,mN2和mN随振动次数增加而增大,且振动次数较少时各结构性参数指标变化较快,说明振动初始阶段风积土结构性损伤较为剧烈。动应力幅值和含水率越大,围压越小,风积土联结结构稳定动应变势mfN1、摩擦结构稳定动应变势mfN2和总结构稳定动应变势mfN越大。依据破坏振次与风积土总结构动应变势间的关系,建立了确定饱和重塑风积土动强度的新方法。
- 风积土 /
- 结构性 /
- 联结结构动应变势参数 /
- 摩擦结构动应变势参数 /
- 总结构动应变势参数 /
- 动强度
Abstract: The cumulated axial strain and vibration number curves were obtained through a series of dynamic triaxial tests under different dynamic stress amplitudes, confining pressures and moisture contents.The dynamic strain of link structural potential parameter(mN1), dynamic strain of friction structural potential parameter(mN2), total dynamic strain structural potential parameter(mN) were defined according to the soil structural research results and theories.The relationships among the structural parameters and tests conditions were discussed when the structural strength of aeolian soil's was destroyed.The research results showed that mN1 decreased with vibration numbers increasing, but the mN2 and mN would increased with the vibration numbers increasing.All kinds of structural parameters changed rapidly when vibration numbers were few, which showed that structural damages of aeolian soil were severe at primary vibration step.The larger dynamic stress amplitudes and moisture contents were, the larger the link stable structural dynamic strain potential parameter mfN1, the friction stable structural dynamic strain potential parameter mfN2were, and the total stable dynamic strain structural potential parameter mfN but opposite to confining pressures.The new method to determine the dynamic strength of aeolian soil was established based on the relationship between the total dynamic strain structural potential parameters and vibration numbers. -
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