摘要: 竹结构屋架具有成本低廉、施工速度快、坚固耐用、设计灵活等优点,可以广泛用于商业和学校等公共建筑以及住宅建筑的屋盖和楼盖设计。截至目前,对于竹结构房屋的系统研究仍然还是处于起步阶段,尤其是对竹屋架的性能研究更是空白。对六榀5 m和6 m跨度的竹结构屋架进行检验性试验和全跨破坏性试验,通过试验了解这两种屋架的荷载-变形关系以及破坏形式,并分析影响其承载力的一些主要因素。Abstract: Bamboo roof structure has many advantages, such as low cost, fast construction speed, strong and durable use and flexible design, which can be widely used for businesses buildings, school buildings and residential buildings etc.So far, the study of bamboo structure is still at the initial stage, especially, performance of bamboo roof is still unknown.Six full-scale model trusses with two types of configuration and sizes were tested to failure under gradually increased vertical load.The load-deformlation curves and the failure mode of the two roof trusses were obtained through the tests;and the main factors influencing their bearing capacity were also analyzed.
Key words:
- bamboo truss /
- carrying capacity /
- engineering application /
- system effect
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