摘要: 现有的基于曲率进行损伤识别的方法一般都需要同时利用结构在损伤前、后的状态信息,但对于大部分实际梁结构,完好状态下的状态信息往往已不可获取。为此,提出基于曲率的新指标相邻差分曲率差值,对它在单跨梁损伤定位中的应用进行研究。该指标不需要结构在完好状态下的信息,而且对测点处及其附近出现的损伤都可以识别出来。给出新指标的应用方式以及提高鲁棒性的3种方式。算例证明,新指标不仅适用于理想的简支梁,也适用于支座支承的单跨梁。Abstract: Most existing damage detection methods based on curvature should investigate the indicator value changes between the intact and damaged state.However, the 'footprint' in the intact state is usually not available for most actual beams.Therefore, a new damage localization indicator called difference of nearby difference curvature indicator(DNDCI) was introduced for single-span beams.This indicator does not require prior information of the intact beam and is sensitive to the damage occurs at or nearby the measuring points.Practical application method of DNDCI was proposed.Three methods for improving robustness were also proposed.Besides the idealized simply supported beams, it was validated by example that DNDCI is also applicable to the single-span beams supported by bearings.
Key words:
- beam /
- damage /
- localization /
- curvature /
- displacement
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