摘要: 系统全面分析了渡桥电厂冷却塔风毁事故的第一手资料事故调查报告和为此而专门召开的第一次国际冷却塔会议的论文集,对此事故做了客观翔实的介绍,并给出了调查委员会以及不同学者对事故多方面的调查分析以及观点,以供研究和设计人员参阅。Abstract: Based on the first hand information such as the Report of the COI into Collapse of Cooling Towers at Ferrybridge and Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers-Ferrybridge and After,objective and comprehensive introductions were given for the collapse accident at Ferrybridge Power Station.Also,investigations,analyses and viewpoints from different researchers were also collected.Both of them are valuable and consultative for researchers and engineers.
Key words:
- Ferrybridge Power Station /
- cooling towers /
- collapse accident
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