摘要: 随着社会的快速发展,因工业生产以及人类活动引起的地基土重金属污染现象越来越严重。地基土受到重金属污染后,其工程性质会发生改变。固化稳定法是处理重金属污染土地基的常用方法之一。以人工制备的铅或锌重金属污染土为研究对象,通过系统的室内试验,着重研究水泥固化稳定重金属污染土的工程性质。试验结果表明,土体受到污染后,其强度降低;掺入水泥固化稳定的重金属污染土的强度随水泥掺入量以及养护龄期的增加显著增大。通过试验还发现,较低浓度重金属离子的存在可以促进水泥固化土抗剪强度的提高。Abstract: Due to rapid industrialization and increased urbanization,the contamination of soils with heavy metals have become a serious environmental problem in many parts of the world.The contamination of soils by toxic heavy metals,such as lead,zinc and copper,may lead to the change in soil engineering properties.Solidification and stabilization is one of the most effective methods of dealing with heavy metal contaminated sites.It was investigated the engineering properties of solidified and stabilized heavy metal contaminated soils.Test results showed that the shear strength of stabilized soils decreased when contaminated by heavy metal.The shear strength of solidified and stabilized contaminated soils increased with the increase in curing age and added cement content.The results also indicated that the presence of lower concentration heavy metal ions could promote the improvement of the shear strength of cement stabilized soil.
Key words:
- contaminated soil /
- heavy metal /
- solidification and stabilization /
- strength
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