摘要: 在役土木工程建筑一旦发生倒塌等灾难性事故会对人民生命财产及社会稳定造成极大影响。为了避免发生此类重大安全事故,需要及时发现事故萌芽并给予处理。在分析在役土木工程结构事故的各种原因及其损伤演化过程的基础上,提出在役土木工程结构薄弱处的概念,该薄弱处是指受环境侵蚀、材料老化、荷载变化等因素的影响,在役土木工程结构中最先发生破坏的构件或构件中的某一位置。对结构薄弱处的分析宜采用分析结构中各处的承载力下降及结构中各处荷载效应的增加相结合的方法,通过比较获得结构中各处抗力与荷载效应最为接近的地方,即结构薄弱处。最后,总结了在役土木工程结构薄弱处分析研究的发展方向机亟待解决的关键技术问题。Abstract: The collapse of the existing civil structures would cause the loss of life and property and instability ofsociety. For avoiding these collapses, their indications must be found in time and solved. In this paper, the conceptof weak area in the existing civil structures is proposed based on all kinds of damages in the existing civil structuresand these damages evolution. The weak area is the component or the location in a certain component in which thefailure occurs firstly under the effect of environmental erosion, material deterioration and load variation. The methodto find the weak area in the existing civil structures should be to compare the reduction of load carrying capacity andthe increase of load effect of every component and choose that component in which the load effect is closest to the loadcarrying capacity. Finally, some technical problems to be solved for the analysis of weak area are summarized.
Key words:
- civil structure /
- weak area /
- damage /
- load carrying capacity /
- load effect
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