Combined with the engineering practice that dynamic compaction produced vibration destruction inCaofeidian Industrial Zone, the large model test of dynamic compaction vibration was researched and developedindependently. Through two aspects tamper vibration influence scope was determined: first, the vibration accelerationtime history was researched and analysed, the decay laws and attenuation formula of horizontal acceleration in dredgerfill foundation were deduced. Based on the fact that the building would be safe when vibration acceleration was lessthan 0. 1 g, the vibration influence ranges of Caofeidian Region with different ramming energy were determined;second, according to the stress distribution of single pile in CFG piles model, the formula of pile body maximumtension stress of the pile with ramming energy and distance to tamping point was fitted, then according to the ultimatetensile stress of concrete the tamper vibration influence scope was determined.